Everyone’s always talking about how they don’t have any time in a day. The fact is, however, is that you have 24 hours at your disposal. Every waking moment can be used productively, whether that means it’s being used to eat a good breakfast and read the newspaper or to create the outline for your newest product. It can be hard to identify that free time, but here are a couple of ways to find it.

Get Up Early

You might get up early enough, you think, but sometimes getting up even earlier is the only way to manage. Donald Trump himself gets up before the sun rises – at about 5AM – to catch himself up on the workings of the world and to eat a good, quality breakfast. Don’t just get up early for the sake of it, however. Make sure you use that time wisely like Mr. Trump. He uses it to familiarize himself with the likely topics of the day; you can use it to brainstorm, clean the kitchen, or go and walk the dog for some quality morning exercise.

Always Finish What You Start

We all want to get a thousand projects done a day, but the fact is that we simply cannot do so. A project takes focus to finish, otherwise it sits in the wings, waiting for you to pay attention to it again while you put six seconds of work into eight other things. Though it may seem like a good idea to pile on projects, it’s not. You’ll never get anything finished, which means you’ll essentially run around all day without accomplishing anything. There is nothing that’s more of a waste of time. Focus, and get a project done. Then move onto the next one.